American Stroke Association®

The American Stroke Association® has a great series of information sheets called Let's Talk About Stroke. Use the links below to access the sheets we find very relevant to stroke recovery:

Emotional Changes After Stroke
Complications After Stroke
Driving After Stroke
Feeling Tired After Stroke
Living at Home After Stroke
Stroke and Aphasia
Stroke and Rehabilition
Stroke Family Caregiver
Stroke Diagnosis


Risk of stroke can increase significantly after your first one. This means that prevention is even more important for those that have already been affected by a stroke. Many lifestyle changes are suggested for prevention, one of the most significantof which is nutrition. Nutrition plays a key role in reducing the risk of recurrent stroke. See Nutirition Tips for Stroke Survivors from American Stroke Association

Parkinson’s Resources

Today’s Caregiver e-magazine has great articles on PD and tips for caregivers.